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Anakin Skywalker The Lord Sith

First hair test

First hair test

Texture test before adding hair.

Texture test before adding hair.

Comparing your model directly to the references always is a good option, this gives you a better perspective of the volumes and forms.

Comparing your model directly to the references always is a good option, this gives you a better perspective of the volumes and forms.

First Blockout, serves as a way of seeing the volumes, if you can capture the likeness at this stage means that the project is going in the right direction :)

First Blockout, serves as a way of seeing the volumes, if you can capture the likeness at this stage means that the project is going in the right direction :)

Hey everyone!

I'm happy to share the final presentation of this Fan Art Project that I have done during the likeness program by ArtHeroes:

As a huge fan of the Star Wars movies I always wanted to create a realistic portrait of one of the main characters, taking this course was the perfect excuse to push myself to achieve the level of likeness that I always wanted to achieve.

I started the model from a sphere which gave me more freedom to play with the primary and secondary shape in the initial stage, as for the porosity I used one of the HD models from 3dscanstore to project both the details and the albedo, tertiary details were made by hand. On the other hand, the textures were made using Substance painter and photoshop. The final presentation was made using the new feature of the Marmoset 4, using Raytracing gave me the possibility to interact with the model without the necessity of wait for long minutes to see the render, also used the texturing tools for creating some of the materials. Finally, the hair was made using the Coiffure plugin for Maya, and the hair cards were placed by hand using the spline in 3ds max (I'll share a breakdown very soon).

I would like to thank my mentor Marlon Nuñez for the constant feedback along the process and everyone in the forum that also shared their knowledge and gave me valuable feedback.

Have a great weekend.


May 1, 2021